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The Futures Cards: Exploring together new foresight tool

 How could we apply foresight not only in a strategic way, but also in a deeply human way?

At this event, we will explore the topic of inclusive and participatory foresight, using a deck of UN Futures Cards To Shape Inclusive Foresight to guide our conversations.

UN Global Pulse has published new Futures Cards, which are a gamified learning experience designed to help individuals and teams develop their knowledge and skills in inclusive and participatory foresight. The deck of cards has recommendations on one side and “what if” prompts on the other side. Players take turns drawing cards and responding to the prompts or questions.

Read more about the Futures Cards

The event is held online on MS Teams in English. We have sent the invitation to the event to our members. Those who have registered will receive the event link by email.

Photo by Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash