Warm welcome to play-full futures! On October 10th we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in gamified futures methods with Martyn Richards!
Game playing is a natural human instinct. Games and futures have been closely intertwined for as far back as our history goes. From the ancient games of Ur and Senet to tarot cards and chess, the Kriegspiel of 19th century Prussia through to RAND Corp's wargames. The early 21st century saw an explosion in the popularity of games as media, as we began to see games as a medium for experiences, for stories. A long tradition of games to exercise real world skills continues in Futures Studies today. We all know what a game is, and how to play, but designing games is a dark art.
This session aims to shed some light on the process behind the game, particularly how to combine futures knowledge with games mechanics. A brief overview of different kinds of contemporary futures games will be introduced. Finally, play of a set of digital futures micro-games will be lead by the host in Miro.
The event will be hosted in Teams. The event is held in English.
Registration link has been sent to members by email. Haven’t got it? Please reach to info@futuresfinland.com.
Martyn Richards has an MSSc in Futures Studies. He works as a project researcher at the Finland Futures Research Centre. He has specialised in futures literacy and transformative learning approaches.